In honor of Dr. Seuss's recent birthday. . .
Pollen, pollen everywhere!
In my house and in my hair,
on my car and on my cat,
who doesn't like it,
scat, scat, scat!
On the flowers, on the trees,
where, oh where, are all the bees?
To gather it up and take it away,
so I can go outside to play.
Making yellow every fellow,
Sneezing, wheezing,
itching, twitching,
over here and over there,
pollen, pollen everywhere!
Follow the yellow brick road,
Oh, follow the yellow brick road. . .

I was thinking about taking a pollen picture, but don't have anything as yellow as this! Love the picture and the poem!!
The pollen really is ridiculous on our street. And last night my friend really did refer to our street as the Yellow Brick Road. How funny to read this today! I'm praying for rain!!!
you should write a book!
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