Friday, December 19, 2008

First One Up

Today is the last day of school for my children before the holidays. I finished my school duties yesterday by sharing the Christmas pop-up books of Robert Sabuda with my students. The "oooohs" and "aaaaahs" appropriately appreciated the artistry and whimsy of these amazing books. As time allowed, I also taught the students how to make simple pop-ups like the one that my daughter made two years ago.

I was the first one up this morning-- "popping" out of bed at 4:30 am. More than sleep, I needed some thinking and writing time in the quiet of the early morning before the obligations of the day took over.

What are the plans for the day? One more gift purchasing trip, a "winter party" for third graders, a school assembly of singing and strings, a mother/daughter group outing to an animal shelter for a service project (probably a future blog post), piano lessons, pizza making, and a little embroidery at the end of the day when I finally get to sit down again.

Looking at the day ahead, no wonder I got up a early.

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