Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Patchwork Possibilities

My children and I made these bread quilts (blogged earlier here), and we just finished up machine top-stitching them yesterday and this morning.

I chose the fabric and arrangement for these two. On the right one, I followed the squares for top-stitching. On the left, I top-stitched horizontally across the squares.
My daughter made this for someone special we will see later in the summer. She did not use a border but turned hers inside out and top-stitched around the edge.

My son made this one for his bear, Sammy. He insisted on a zig-zag top stitch. He loves zigzag stitch.

I'm dreaming up a plan to make log-cabin pillows for every room as a way to bring together the eclectic furniture and colors we have throughout the house. I also want to de-formalize the living room. Patch working different fabrics and colors will give me many possibilities!

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